Development Services is responsible for the coordination and direction of all activities associated with the review and issuance of permits, plan review, inspections, and development orders through the implementation of the Pasco County Comprehensive Plan and enforcement of the Pasco County Land Development Code and Code of Ordinances. Our business units provide planning, design, and enforcement services necessary to provide appropriate infrastructure for current and future populations and to regulate land use.

This is accomplished through the administration of the Strategic Plan charting the course for Pasco County and the implementation of the Business Plan initiatives that address the Strategic Plan goals. Building Construction Services protects the quality of life in Pasco County by enforcing building and land use ordinances, floodplain regulations, issuing building permits, inspecting structures under construction, and reviewing proposals for large-scale development. The Planning and Development Department guides the County's current and future physical growth through the establishment of a long-term vision, and the implementation and on-going enforcement of its existing development regulations.

We, along with the rest of Pasco County government, are striving to ensure that Pasco County is the Premier County for balanced economic growth, environmental sustainability and first-class service.

How can I meet with someone in regard to a development project?
What is a clear site triangle?
Where can I get information about a specific piece of property?
Where do I file a building permit application?
Where do I file a site development application?
Where do I get a list of contractors who are licensed to work in Pasco County?